Hotel Management System

A simple oop concept console application for managing a hotel.

The Hotel Management System project is a simple desktop application developed in Python. This project serves as a basic tool for managing hotel operations, including guest bookings, room management, and billing. It utilizes object-oriented programming (OOP) principles to handle the process and features a graphical user interface (GUI) using Tkinter for user interactions. Data is stored and managed using SQLite3, providing a lightweight and efficient database management system.

Project Structure

The project consists of several main components that handle different aspects of hotel management:

Project Structure

For more detailed information on the project structure and requirements, you can refer to the 📄document.

Main Features

  • Guest Management: The application allows hotel staff to manage guest information, including adding new guests, updating details, viewing bookings, etc.

  • Room Management: Hotel rooms are managed through the application, with features to add new rooms, update availability and details, and view occupancy status.

  • Booking and Billing: Guest bookings are facilitated through the system, allowing staff to create new bookings, modify existing bookings, and generate checkout bills.

Technologies Used

  • Python: Core programming language used for application development.
  • Tkinter: Python’s standard GUI library utilized for creating the graphical interface.
  • SQLite3: Lightweight relational database management system for efficient data storage and retrieval.


The Hotel Management System project demonstrates foundational skills in Python programming, OOP design, and GUI development. This project showcases my ability to develop functional desktop applications that integrate database management and user-friendly interfaces.

For more details and to view the source code, please visit the GitHub repository.