Electronic Warehouse Modular Project

A business process management system integrating multiple subsystems.

The Company A Management System is a comprehensive business process management solution, integrating various subsystems of a factory which is manufacturing and assembly electronic equipment.

My Contribution

I led a team of 50 developers across 10 subsystems, focusing on backend development using Java Spring Boot and deploying it on Azure Web Services with NGINX. Furthermore, I led the inventory subsystem, collaborating with team members. I also conducted several cohorts to guide and instruct fellow colleagues through Discord, and implemented CI/CD testing for quality assurance.

Project Objectives

  • Streamline Operations: To centralize and simplify management across multiple business functions.
  • Improve Efficiency: To automate and optimize various processes within the company.
  • User-Friendly Interface: To provide an intuitive and easy-to-navigate user experience.

Components Used

  • Frontend: JavaScript, React, Vite, Axios
  • Backend: Java, Spring Boot, MongoDB, Azure, Nginx, Postman

Subsystems Managed

  1. Supplies, Stocks, Inventory Management System
  2. General Management System
  3. Customer Order Management System
  4. Finance, Payroll, and Risk Assessment System
  5. Human Resource Management System
  6. Logistics, Vehicles, Machinery, Services and Maintenance System
  7. Manufacturing and Assembly Line Planning and Management System
  8. Quality Assurance and Quality Control System
  9. Sales and Marketing System
  10. Training, Prototyping, Product/Process Development and Simulation System

Supplies, Stocks, Inventory Management System

The inventory management subsystem plays a critical role in the overall system. It focuses on managing supplies, stocks, and inventory levels efficiently. Below are the key components and functionalities of this subsystem:

APIs Used:

  • Inventory API: Manages inventory data, including CRUD operations.
  • Stock Levels API: Monitors and updates stock levels in real-time.
  • Order Processing API: Integrates with the order management system to update inventory based on customer orders.
All APIs used

Demonstrated Scenarios:

  1. Check quantity and alert processing: This method is responsible for checking the stock quantity of items and processing alerts for all items whose quantity falls below a certain threshold.
  2. Create Shipments: This method is responsible for create shipments only if the finance system has granted their approval.
  3. Generate Reports: This API allows the inventory manager to generate a comprehensive report by aggregating and analyzing sales trends, inventory management.
  4. Repiar Items: This method is responsible for dispatching inventories which are damaged for repairs.

Component Diagram:


The Company A Management System shows a modern approach to business process management, integrating multiple subsystems into a cohesive and efficient platform.


For more details, please visit the Company A Frontend GitHub Repository and the Company A Backend GitHub Repository.