A real-time multiplayer mobile game application with an integrated audio call feature.

Production halted

At Kards, we bring the joy of traditional card games into the digital age. Whether you’re fond of diamonds, clubs, hearts, or spades, Kards offers a seamless and interactive multiplayer experience that allows you to connect with friends and family virtually, all while enjoying your favorite card games.

Unfortunately Kards is not functional anymore.

My Contribution

I was the project assistant lead. Initially, I worked with Flutter on the frontend developing the UI and transitioned to the backend on .Net to implement the game logic and establish the connection with the database. This was my first software development project featuring a fully functional and combined frontend and backend. We were able to deploy and launch the app to the playstore. With successful marketing, we acheived a user intall base over 600 in a month.

Project Overview

Kards is a multiplayer game platform that allows users to play classic card games with friends in a virtual setting. The first game released on the platform was OMI, with plans to add more games in the future. The goal was to create a seamless, interactive experience where players could connect, communicate, and compete in real-time.


  • Real-Time Multiplayer: Players can join games and compete against each other in real-time.
  • Integrated Audio Calls: Allows players to communicate with each other via voice during the game.
  • Interactive Gameplay: Features a user-friendly interface with engaging animations and sound effects.

Technologies Used

The development of Kards involved a variety of technologies to ensure a smooth gaming experience:

  • Flutter & Dart: Used for developing the frontend with an interactive user experience.
  • .Net & C#: Utilized for backend development, ensuring a reliable server.
  • SignalR: Enabled real-time communication between the server and users connecting.
  • Janus WebRTC: Integrated audio call functionality for players to communicate during gameplay.
  • SQL: Used for database management, storing user data, game states, and other essential information.

Frontend Development

The intuitive UI/UX design aimed to provide a smooth and engaging user experience.

Key aspects of the frontend include:

  • Responsive Design: Ensured the application worked seamlessly on various screen sizes and resolutions.
  • Smooth Animations: Added engaging animations to enhance the gameplay experience.

Backend Development

The backend was built using .Net Core and C#, providing a scalable and efficient server-side solution. Key features of the backend include:

  • Game State Management: Handled the logic for game rules, player turns, and game outcomes.
  • Real-Time Communication: Utilized SignalR to enable real-time updates and interactions between players.
  • Database Integration: Used SQL for managing user data, game states, and other critical information.

Future Enhancements

Although Kards is not functional anymore, several enhancements were planned for future development:

  • Additional Card Games: Expanding the platform to include more card games like Poker, Bridge, and Rummy.
  • Improved UI/UX: Continuously refining the user interface to enhance the player experience.
  • Advanced Features: Adding features such as game statistics, leaderboards, and player profiles.

With the right team, support, and funding, we have the potential to revive Kards and build it better than ever, making it a successful app once again.


Kards was an ambitious project aimed at bringing the joy of classic card games to the digital world. Despite its current non-functional state, the project showcased the potential of combining modern technologies to create an interactive and engaging gaming experience.

For more details, you can explore the following links: