
Hello, I’m Gayanuka Amarasuriya, a passionate explorer of various fields. Whether it’s delving into a complex subject or embarking on a creative project, I’m always eager to expand my knowledge and skills.

In my free time, I enjoy reading novels and interesting articles, watching series and films, and playing competitive games.

Whenever I go out on trips or adventures, I capture and share my experiences on Google Maps with photos and reviews. Some interesting contributions as a Google Local Guide.


University of Moratuwa
May 2022 - Present
Department of Electrical Engineering
Feb 2023 - Present
Crytec Labs
Oct 2022 - Present
Old Anandian Engineers' Guild
Mar 2023 - Present

Soft Skills

Leadership Successfully led teams in both work and university, challenges and projects
Teamwork Collaborated in teams to achieve desired objectives.
Problem-Solving Identified complex problems and reviewing to develop and evaluate options.
Adaptability Adjusting to new conditions and handling change effectively.
Project Management Organizing and managing resources to achieve project goals.
Communication Effectively conveying information and ideas to others.
Creativity Generating innovative ideas and approaches.
Time Management Efficiently managing time to meet deadlines and goals.

Developer Skills


Python Java Matlab Dart C++



scikit-learn PyTorch OpenCV Flutter Spring

MongoDB SQLite


Git GitHub Postman Azure


Figma Lightroom SolidWorks LabVIEW Jira Conda Linux Arduino Raspberry Pi

Achievements and Awards

Idealize’22 1st Runner Up: AIESEC University of Moratuwa
Sep 2022
President Scout Award: Sri Lanka Scout Association
Jun 2018

